Again. Already.
Let’s do away with the names of days, weeks, months and seasons. Let’s feel the time of day. Weeks. Months. Seasons. We know what the summer air feels like. We know. Clues are all over. There is a turning. Suddenly, one day, (without naming the day, because there is no need to name the days, weeks, months or seasons) we see red, amber, mahogany, yellows, swaying above us.
We know how summer feels. We know heat. We know when to look for our sweaters. We know when to add layers. We know when to remove them. Let’s do away with labels, categories, sections and charts. Do away with Mondays. Let’s rid ourselves of Januarys, Winter, 12:01 am. Let us brush off the structure made by humans who want to control the world. Abolish the borders of boredom and repetition. Superstitions even. Fall forward. Spring back if you like. Rebel against the axis and rotations. Breathe in the energy of the universe. Libations.
Return. Return to what we know and feel. No need to rush back because they said so. Get back to you. Walk the trails, pick the berries. Fly kites and set your sights on being one with the blue in the sky. Let’s change time and space. Move to the rhythm of sonic fields. May your wavelength guide you smoothly. I see it. I see the trek of souls climbing to a new layer in the sphere. Freedom frees us from the first workday. The first month. We are loosed from the defining moment of an unequal equinox. Snow is ours. Arid climates lay with us. Change hovers. Growth gushes. We push on without alarm clocks or stocks. It’s not Monday again already.
Written by Michael Allen
Escape Indie 2020
All Rights Reserved
For my People!