The Black Experience America: On a Different Frequency

Michael Allen
3 min readNov 3, 2024


In my opinion…

there will never be unity in America. I feel like writing a story.

It appears our plans to keep these people, these African Black negro’s in perpetual captivity has hit a snag. Apparently, it was an abhorrent act all those generations ago to buy those creatures and then sell them for a profit. Turns out, they say, you can’t own anyone, violate anyone, kill anyone, sexually assault anyone, emasculate, burn, hang, impregnate, kidnap, brand, forcibly convert, traffic, transport across longitudes and latitudes while reciting The Beatitudes, demean, characterize as less than human, not worthy of life, as property of another, terrorizing, stripping of humanity, tearing families apart and causing the most catastrophic event on Earth known to man, the abolitionists say. Some of our peers wonder if it’s sustainable and that is why we have called a meeting to see what we must do to keep American industry moving in the right direction. We have to stay competitive globally and them out there are the industry that make it possible. There is no other way. We taught them the way of civilization, the way of the world, the way of the Word of God-what else do they have? What in Heaven can they achieve without us? They are beasts roaming in a field and always will be.

Get the entire fuck out of here! Oh wait, this is something I wrote and I’m worked up as if it’s real.

Since the Diaspora has been here for so long, we can claim America as ours. If we choose to, we can call ourselves American, Black, AA, ADOS etc. One fact remains, and will forever reign-the beat of Africa thumps in our veins. Rebellion is our energy core and is the fuel that keeps us. The scattered, long lost, often misunderstood, often judged sons and daughters of Mother Africa are floating on their native West African time zone. No one else on Earth can access the Original frequencies born to Us through divine-adaptive providence.

I surmise that there can never be One America, and to think so is ignorance. I’ll go further to say, even in a nuclear post world war, apocalyptic society, the classes will be divided by race on this American land. My soul is disturbed by Black Society not absorbing the same lessons lectured to us over the centuries-we are way too trusting. It’s fine to fly your flag and work hard and believe in the American Dream, just know that you need weapons in your house to protect those dreams. Black believers in the American dream need to have that special talk with their children and teens about bigotry and their Constitutional rights (local statutes) when stopped by police. We need to remember the history, the Great Disaster that befell our progenitors and make sure we aren’t sleepwalking into another era of bondage. Vigilance is the key, also staying true to our rhythmic pathways, (how we hear in the spirit etc) the wavelengths we only have access to. It’s important to vibe as true tribes, together. Black Society is Different, and it doesn’t matter if we’ve lived here for generations upon generations, Africa lives in us.

Black Society still carries the memories of Transatlantic crimes and cries in the crevices of our craniums. This alone keeps us from being subjects and subjected to the wrong frequency.

Michael Allen

Escape Indie Collective, 2024

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